Parish Values

  • Catholic Scripture and Tradition

  • Radical Gospel living in a bold and courageous manner.

  • Celebrating our covenant with God through the Holy Mass, sacramental life of our Church, and personal conversion.

  • An environment where all will feel welcomed and invited into the parish family (community).

  • Forming all in the teachings of the Catholic Church.

What is expected of a Catholic?

  • Participation in a faith community like Resurrection can take many forms. We encourage you to take part in ways like these:

  • Actively participate each week in Mass at a Sunday liturgy.

  • Pursue your faith through the many events offered at Resurrection throughout the year. Check the bulletin and our parish website at for more information.

  • Enroll your children in our religious education programs, and actively participate in their faith journey. Promote the Christian formation at the preschool, elementary, junior high, and high school levels by volunteering your time.

  • Help our parish further develop as a Catholic community through volunteer involvement in one or more of our ministries.

  • Support our parish, programs, and other recurring expenses through the Sunday collections. Please use your Sunday envelopes, even if you are unable to make a financial contribution, in order to show your participation in Mass regularly at Resurrection.

  • If you are a visitor, please consider making Resurrection your spiritual home by registering as a parishioner at the Parish office.

Why should I become involved?
Today, the Catholic Church emphasizes the need that all people have for meaningful relationships, community and interdependence.  As we journey to our Creator, we do not do so in human isolation. We rely on one another.  We travel as individuals but also as a human family, and as a global community of families.  Each person in a parish faith community has hopes desires needs and expectations - expressed or assumed.  For a faith community to function at its very best, the gifts and talents of its members need to be expressed and shared.