If you have questions, comments or concerns please call us at (480) 838-0207 or email us at parishinfo@resurrectionaz.org. We are always looking to improve and grow our community.
Parishioner Registration - This PDF is our main parish registration form for families. You may download and fill it out digitally and print it for submission at the parish office or save it and email is to parishinfo@resurrectionaz.org once complete.
Parish Directory:
Father Simon Osuchukwu, Parochial Administrator: ext. 8117
Father Thomas Kagumisa: Altar Servers and Ministry of Care: ext. 8162
Sr. Anne Marie Smith, Business Manager: ext. 8112
Agnes Umuligirwa, Receptionist: ext. 8110
Katherine Boisvert, Liturgy Coordinator, Funeral Ministry: ext. 8113
Penni Scott, Music Director: ext. 8116
Dee Tamminen, Baptism, Religious Education (Pre-K to 5th grade) and Teen Sacraments: ext. 8125
Tracey Siedinski-Seyler, Youth Ministry (6th to 12th grades): ext. 8122
Deacon Bill Malatin, Marriage Preparations and Annulments: ext. 8110
Deacon Bill Finnegan, Adult Education
Rob Kubasko, Adult Sacraments: ocia@resurrectionaz.org, (480) 205-0800
Our Office
3201 South Evergreen Road
Tempe, AZ, 85282
United States
Parish Office is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30am to 4:30pm and Fridays from 8:30am to 1pm.
St. Vincent de Paul has limited operations by phone only. Interviews will be done by phone for food bags that can be arranged for pickup BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call (480) 329-0968 Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm for more information. PARISHIONERS: if you find it difficult to pay for groceries, please contact us.