Trust in the Lord

Hello, there!  This is Fr. Romy.  Yes, it’s me!  I finally remembered how to sign in on Flocknote. I woke up this morning and realized that today is Saturday, a day that normally brought me excitement because I should be seeing you all again in church or greeting you outside.  Then it dawned on me that things have changed because of this Covid-19 threat that we are experiencing right now.  All I could say was, “Lord, please help us.”

But that was not a cry of helplessness.  As I prayed my Morning Prayer,  the 1st Antiphon in the Psalmody today said, “Lord, you are near to us, and all your ways are true.”  In the midst of all the uncertainties that we are facing right now, Scriptures assure us that God is always with us – that He is never far away.  It is so easy for many of us to fall into despair because our lives have been altered and  our movements have been limited.  We could not even participate at Holy Mass nor receive the Eucharist – the most central gift that God has given us – and it really brings our spirits down.

No, we should not allow ourselves to be brought down by helplessness and despair.  Remember, the Lord is always near, and His ways are true.  We may not understand why He has allowed this to happen to all of us.  Perhaps there is a message – perhaps He is telling us something.  Perhaps He is reminding us that He is truly the Only One God and there is no other.  We all know that this is not the first time it ever happened in human history.  Generations of the past have been shaken from their complacency, and many returned to God.  

I just believe that God always knows what He is doing.  Meanwhile, let us turn this difficulty into opportunities for renewal in our relationships with God and others.  Now, we have more time to spend with our families.  Now is an opportunity to have meals together, and most of all, to pray together.

Now, we have more time to pray and reflect.  While we may not be able to come to church services, we can always continue being united with the community while at home.  Please join the live-streamed Mass every day at 5 PM.  Keep getting updated through our website.  I tell you, Mr. Rob Kubasko is truly amazing.  (A million and one thanks to you, Rob!)  

Let us all stay connected with one another.  Remember, “Be healthy, be smart, be holy.”

God bless you.