Good Friday Thoughts

A blessed Good Friday to all.  This morning, I picked up one of the books written by Fr. Joe Robinson, a priest and writer from Indiana, and I came across his reflection on Good Friday.  He pondered on the “little” caring things that Jesus did for others while the leaders of His time plotted terrible things against Him – and I would like to share them with you.

First, He washed his apostles’ feet.  The roads were dusty and dirty during those times, and people walked the same roads and paths where animals walked.  You can imagine how filthy people’s feet were.  Servants and slaves washed their masters’ guests’ feet (and if there was no servant, the wife of the master did it).  Jesus took upon Himself being a slave – as St. Paul pointed out.  Perhaps that was why Peter was hesitant at first to be washed by Jesus.

Second, Jesus gave us the Eucharist.  During the Last Supper, He lovingly handed the morsel to Judas even though He knew that he would betray Him.

Third, after Peter denied Jesus three times, the cock crowed.  The gospel says “The Lord turned around and looked straight at Peter, and Peter remembered that the Lord had said to him, ‘before the cock crows, you will deny me three times’” (Luke 22:61).  Jesus looked at him, not to tell him “I told you so…” but with love, with understanding, and with forgiveness.

Fourth, when Peter cut off the ear of Malchus, one of the soldiers who were there to arrest Him in the garden, He put the ear back and healed the soldier.  Jesus never answered violence with violence.

Fifth, when he met the crying women of Jerusalem, he comforted them with the words “Do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.”  In the midst of His own suffering, he forewarned others of dangers that lie ahead.

Sixth, as He hung upon the cross, He forgave His executioners – and even prayed  for them.  He even made an excuse for them by saying “then know not what they are doing”.

Seventh, He promised salvation to the good thief.  “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” Even sinners have a chance!

Finally, and not the littlest of them all:  He died on the cross for us.  He did it out of His great love for you and me.  Even when life’s sufferings are around to crush us, Jesus showed us that we can still show love and thoughtfulness to others who are suffering just like us.  


On another note:  Good Friday is always the 1st Day of Novena to the Divine Mercy (Divine Mercy Sunday is always the 2nd Sunday of Easter).  One very faithful parishioner shared this link so that we will be reminded to pray the chaplet every day, especially throughout the novena:

She says, “Let’s spread His mercy, and not Covid – 19.”  That makes real sense.

It is only a few days to Easter!  GOD BLESS YOU ALL.