Hello, everyone! I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy. By God’s grace, the priests and the staff of Resurrection have remained safe and have stayed away from the virus. We continue to keep the office running although on a limited basis in compliance with the directives of the government to keep everyone safe.
I have been following some statistics related to the Covid-19, more particularly the number of infections and casualties every day. I found the following data from John Hopkins University website:
May 7, 2020: 1,228,609 infections, 73,431 deaths
May 8, 2020: 1,271,775 infections, 76,368 deaths
Difference in One Day: +43,166 infections, +2,937 deaths
Our obvious conclusion that everyone knows: We are far from being out of the woods.
I am sure you are aware of the permission given by Bishop Thomas Olmsted for parishes to give communion after the Live-Streamed Masses during the weekend. It was a permission, not a mandate. He has left it to the discretion of the pastors to determine whether the people are ready to come out or not. After considering the demographics of our parish, especially the vulnerability of many due to age, I decided to defer giving communion until I hear from the AZ governor this coming May 15th.
I have met with Fr. Thomas, our Parochial Vicar, and our parish staff to consult them on a plan after May 15th. Understanding that many of you are so hungry for Jesus in the Eucharist, we have agreed to lay out a plan to begin giving out communion after the Live-streamed Masses on the weekend of May 23-24, 2020. We will be doing it with the following considerations:
Those who are sick must stay home.
Communion can be received within one hour after the Live-streamed Masses. Please do not come after watching the recorded Mass 3 hours later. Mass times will be Saturday 5:00 PM and Sunday 8:00 AM. Please take note that beginning May 24, we will be moving our Sunday Masses from 5 PM to 8 AM. All other days shall remain at 5 PM until further notice.
Communion will be received outside the church by the main door. No one will be allowed to enter the church yet. Those with difficulty getting out of the car may stay in the car to receive communion. An Extra-ordinary minister will approach them.
Everyone will be asked to wear a mask as they line up while observing social distancing. The priest/minister will be wearing a mask.
There will be a sanitizing area by the line area.
Everyone will receive communion by the hand.
Communicant will pull the mask down to prepare for communion. The priest will raise the Body of Christ, but will not say a word. The communicant will slightly bow but not say “Amen”. Then she/he will receive the Sacred Host by the hand.
Some of you have been wondering when we can start celebrating public Masses. Here at Resurrection, we do not have a definite date for re-opening. We will keep you updated. Remember, the General Dispensation from the Sunday Obligation is still in effect for all. We have gone a long way staying healthy by being smart. All these days, God has guided us to remain holy. Take care and God bless you all.