In spite of the many attempts to paint a rosy picture of the COVID – 19 situation here in Arizona, the truth is: we are not in a better situation than we were one month ago. The fact is it has gone from bad to worse. According to AZ-DHS, as of today July 20, there are 143,624 total confirmed cases in Arizona with 2,761 deaths. On June 15, 2020, there were 36,705 people with confirmed cases of coronavirus in Arizona and 1,194 coronavirus-related deaths. That is whopping difference of 106,919 infections and 1,567 deaths in 35 days in AZ!
Lately, we have seen a direct impact of the disease on our volunteers who contracted the virus and had to stay home. By God’s grace, their infection were not so severe and they are now on the mend – but that does not give us any reason to be complacent. Many of our parishioners are very vulnerable. Bishop Olmsted has given all pastors the authority to make a discernment as in the past, whether to stay open or temporarily close churches to protect their parishioners.
With the recent infections among our volunteers, and the concern of many as evidenced by low Mass attendance and volunteers requesting to be excused because of the need to be safe, I had to make the tough decision to suspend Public Masses again, starting today Monday, July 20.
I have informed the Diocese of my decision and they support me and they promised to pray for us. The dispensation from Sunday obligation is still in effect, so you do not have to worry about being “absent” from Mass and needing to confess it. YOU ARE SAFER AT HOME. We have resumed live-streaming the Mass every day. This time, we will live-stream Masses at 8 am every day except on Saturdays, which will be our anticipated Mass at 5 PM. The office will be temporarily closed.
Having to close down is a financial nightmare for church administrators. It means there will be no Sunday collection again. But thankfully, you have been very supportive during the past shutdown and you continued sending in your envelopes and e-offerings. I ask you to please continue to support the church. This shutdown is temporary and hopefully will be for a short period.
One of the things that the Venerable Padre Kino believed in is that a true missionary must care for both the temporal and spiritual welfare of the people. I want you all to stay healthy physically and be safe. We will continue to try our best to provide for your spiritual needs – with COMMUNION right after the Live-Streamed Mass on Saturdays and Sundays. We will be waiting for you within ONE HOUR after the final blessing. We ask you to please head out to church right after the final blessing. Please take care and stay safe.
God bless you all.
Fr. Romy