Lent is Here

It is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. It is a time that awakens us to an awareness of our need to be reconciled with God. As the priest prepares to put ashes on our heads (this time the ashes will be sprinkled on the crown of our heads because of the pandemic), he pronounces the words of either options – “Repent, and believe in the gospel.” or “Remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return.” While they sound to express two different thoughts, they are essentially connected. We are being reminded of our need to repent, to have a change of heart, and be reconciled with God, - and that we do not have the luxury of time. Whether sooner or later, we shall meet our Creator and we go home to Him. Thus, we need to be ready.

We are also being reminded that it is not enough to acknowledge that we have sinned. True reconciliation with God means taking positive steps to live out His gospel message, that is, to love and to care for others. The gospel for the day that calls us to a life of prayer and sacrifice also invites us to do concrete acts of charity. We live in a time when there are plenty of opportunities to show our readiness to care. Many people have already shown how to do it. During this pandemic, our healthcare workers, hospital staff, and other front liners sacrificially brave the onslaught of Covid-19 notwithstanding the danger it poses to them and their families. Most everybody sacrificially accepted wearing the face mask not only to protect themselves, but others as well. Still, many people offer whatever they can give to help those in need. Truly, Lent is a time to show we care.

This past weekend, we launched the Charity Development Appeal of the Diocese of Phoenix. As in the past, we have this opportunity to support charitable programs for the elderly, the homeless, the hungry, those in prisons, and the sick. There is also the support for seminarians being formed and prepared for the priesthood, scholarships for poor but deserving students, just to name a few more. But there are many other noble causes for this appeal. During this season of Lent leading to the joy of Easter, “Let Your Light Shine” is the clarion call. This is another opportunity for us to prove that we have come to understand how God appreciates good deeds that come from the heart.