Our Programs

  • Typically in Catholic Churches, the term “Religious Education” refers to programs for 5th graders and younger. “Youth Ministry” refers to programs for middle schoolers (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12).

  • Families must have a free Flocknote account for registration and news. Just go to or text resurrectionaz to 84576. Be sure to sign up for “Religious Education” updates. You can also update your email and phone number here at any time.

  • Registration for the 2024-25 program is now underway via Flocknote..

We offer..

  • Traditional classroom style instruction for children from pre-Kindergarten through 3rd grade, SPIRIT for 4th-5th grades, EDGE for 6th-8th grades, Life Teen for 9th-12th grades and Youth Sacraments for any students needing sacraments in 4th-12th grade.

  • Sacraments are Reconciliation (2nd Grade) and Confirmation and First Eucharist (3rd Grade) and Youth Sacraments (for the unbaptized or those needing sacraments in 4th-12th grades).

  • Those needing Youth Sacraments email Dee Tamminen to register for classes.

  • Registration: Registration for the 2024-25 is currently open through the Student Registration.

  • Stay Informed: Parents can stay informed with ongoing RE programs by signing up for “Religious Education” or “ Youth Ministry” updates at or text resurrectionaz to 84576.


  • Sunday Mass - Learn more on our parish Mass webpage here.

  • Hallow - A Catholic prayer and meditation app that guides users in deepening their relationship with God through audio-guided contemplative prayer sessions. The app offers a ton of content for free, including meditations on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, and more. Download Hallow Today!

  • - Resurrection offers free access to a Catholic streaming video service called To setup your free account, just go to and select our parish by entering 85282 for the zip code and selecting “Resurrection” from the dropdown menu. Register with your name and email address and check that email account for a link to begin using FORMED. No passwords are required!

  • Ascension for Kids - A great source for Catholic children’s books, games, programs, and more.

  • Dynamic Catholic - Another great source for Catholic books and programs.

  • God’s Plan in Scripture - A new program from Ascension that helps your family to read and understand the Bible.


Adult Sacraments

